Reconfigurable Desktop Trainer (RDT)

The Reconfigurable Desktop Trainer provides Gate-to-Live-Fire training for multiple weapon systems using a common low-cost COTS computer, touchscreen displays and replicated gunner control grips.

Selection of the vehicle and weapon system to be simulated is accomplished via a simple user interface. Alternate gunner control grips are included to provide high fidelity training for multiple weapons and vehicles. The Remote Desktop Trainer (RDT) provides training for the weapon systems deployed on various vehicles and can be readily upgraded to support new weapons as they are developed.

The first deployment of the RDT was on the Stryker vehicle program, where trainers were needed for the CROWS-J M153A4 and MCT-30 prior to the weapon systems deployment. The Protector RWS M151, the Raytheon TOW Weapon System and the Rafael Samson™ 30 Remote Weapon Station are also available.

The RDT provides crew level training with driver input, incorporates networked training with other RDT’s and vehicles, and can be used with other DIS compliant training aides and simulation systems.

The training system provides a realistic synthetic 3D environment with state-of-the-art visual effects and sounds. This enables the crew to perform tasks, drills and procedures, while manipulating a detailed weapon hand controller, and interacting with replicated touchscreen weapon control interfaces, and key driver gauges.

RDT running ICVD MCT30 Training with Driver

RDT running ATGM (TOW) with Commander

The RDT comes pre-loaded with multiple terrain databases and a wide selection of targets. Additional Terrain databases, Own-ships and Target entities can be easily added.

The RDT supports training with or without instructor supervision, allowing for greater flexibility in training management. Control of the training session can occur from a single station with all results recorded, and crews can progress at their own pace without continuous supervision. Training results and scores are maintained in the system database, accessible only by their respective crews and instructors. The training system accommodates both driver and commander stations for full crew complement training.

Commander Day/II Binocular Views

The RDT features:

  • USG ACM approved Gate to Live Fire training – AAR and scoring report, including crew record import and export.
  • Weapon type and vehicle type selection for training.
  • Replicated full behavior & operation of the Gunner Panels using a touchscreen and display, including:
    • All lamps and switches.
    • Platform power, platform modes and stabilization.
    • Fire Inhibit zones and deck clearance.
    • Mast operations.
    • Safety overrides.
    • Missile operations.
  • Replicated behavior and operation of Target Acquisition Systems (TAS):
    • Power, menus and symbology.
    • Auto target tracking and guidance.
  • A realistic 3D simulated environment, providing multiple terrains and weather effects.
  • Progressive training, beginner to expert, with courses for sustainment training:
    • Over 100 training scenarios.
    • User modifiable practice scenarios.
  • Authoring software to allow creation of custom training scenarios.
  • Systems are delivered in rugged transport cases for storage.

User Interface – Start Menu

Driver Station

Optional RDT extensions:

  • Commander extension kit.
  • Driver extension kit.
  • Network extension kit

Transport Case and Gunner Control Grips