M3A1 MAAWS Simulator

The InVeris M3A1 MAAWS BlueFire Appended Kit easily integrates into the fats®100MIL small arms training system

The InVeris M3A1 MAAWS BlueFire Appended Kit offers the full capability of InVeris weapon simulators to your live MAAWS for temporary use as a weapon simulator

Convert from Live Weapon to BlueFire simulator and back in minutes.

Compatible with:

  • Domestic and International InVeris 100MIL training systems
  • US Army EST-2 systems
  • USMC ISMT systems

Operable in both Marksmanship and Collective training environments. Brings all the fidelity of industry-leading InVeris Bluefire infantry weapons, to include:

  • Fully wireless operation Safety / fire control sensor Weapon cant
  • Rail-mounted laser with AAR trace
  • 5-shot air cannon and blast effect lighting
  • Instructor-initiated jams and misfires
  • High-angle shooting for ILLUM rounds

Each MAAWS Bluefire kit ships in a fitted case with 3 round types, instructions, inventory card and all hardware necessary to interface with the simulator system. The M3A1 Kit supports both direct and indirect fire operation as the appropriate round is fired.

Ammunition: Diverse range of available round types for all M2 Carl Gustaf and M3A1 MAAWS rounds. Ammunition includes but is not limited to:

  • HE 441D RS High Explosive
  • HEDP 502 Dual Purpose (Delay / Impact)
  • HEAT 551C RS (HE Anti-Tank)

Upon chambering, the simulator kit:

  • Reads round type and fire mode
  • Reads fuze setting
  • Discharges air cannon when fired
  • Applies ARDEC-validated ballistics and accurate terminal effects

Sighting: Day, night and all weather. Appended Kit is compatible with the issued iron sights, telescopic optic and FCS (Aimpoint FCS13-RE) the InVeris MAAWS kit can be used for most medium-range infantry support situations..
Targets: Versatility. The simulator enables training against light armored vehicles, light fortifications and troops in the open to include air-bursting HE441D fuze setting.
Range: Up to 2000 meters. You can engage personnel, point, area and vehicle targets up to a range of 2,000 meters.
Configurations: Each MAAWS kit includes simulated MAAWS rounds, venturi-mounted simulator, laser for screen-based use and sensors for safety and fire control. Crews can train with or without the issued bipod and can fire prone in their training environment.

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