Public Safety
For nearly a half century, InVeris has served as the pioneer and leading innovator in firearms training, advancing human performance today as the world’s leading provider of technology-driven virtual reality and augmented reality training solutions.
With the launch of the next generation of fats® VR and AR systems, law enforcement and public safety personnel get the full benefit of innovative weapons training systems that not only help keep them safe but make the world a safer place: from de-escalation, use-of-force training, including non-lethal options, low light/no light situations and proper interaction and verbal commands to real physical environments and live team members with Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) virtual characters, avatars and assets.
From fats® Projection Systems to BlueFire. small arms simulators, InVeris feedback includes everything from a real-time and After-Action Review that allows you to replay shooter actions from multiple views. BlueFire. simulators look and perform exactly like their live counterpart, allowing you to make improvements and commit them to mental and muscle memory, improving accuracy and safety.
In short, we provide you with unequaled, totally immersive realism for superior retention to help make split-second, life-saving decisions the right decisions no matter what the situation.
InVeris has fielded more than 5,100 fats® simulation training systems in more than 130 countries. With a loyal, understanding and experienced partner by your side always and global customer service, you’re never alone.
Fully adjustable environments allow instructors to create highly realistic and infinitely dynamic training scenarios.