Q-36 – QA Requirements

The Seller (Supplier) shall abide by the requirements in this document when the phrase “QA Requirements Apply” appears on the Purchase Order.  Otherwise these requirements do not apply. Failure to comply with any or all applicable Quality Clause(s) is subject to rejection by Incoming Inspection and may affect the Supplier approval status.

Clause No. 1 – Government or INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  Customer Review of Seller’s Inspection System

During performance on this order, the Seller’s quality control or inspection system and manufacturing processes are subject to review, verification and analysis by authorized Government or INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  Customer representatives. You will be expected to provide reasonable accommodation, facilities and assistance as required. Government inspection or release of product prior to shipment is not required unless the Seller is otherwise notified.

Clause No. 2 – Government Source Inspection

If the phrase “GSI Required” appears on the Purchase Order, Government inspection is required prior to shipment from the Seller’s plant.  Upon receipt of this order, promptly notify the Government Representative who normally services the Seller’s plant so that appropriate planning for Government Inspection can be accomplished.

Clause No. 3 – Inspection/Testing Records

  1. The Seller shall perform or have performed all inspections and tests necessary to substantiate that the materials or services furnished under this order conform to all Purchase Order requirements.
  2. The Seller shall prepare and maintain records of all inspections and tests performed. These records will be kept complete during contract performance and for three years after completion of the order. Records of inspection results shall accompany each delivery of product(s).
  3. Sampling procedures, when used, must comply with ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 (latest revision) or equivalent and must use an Acceptable Quality Level of 1.0 with “zero nonconforming within the sample” for the acceptance criteria.
  4. Certificates of Compliance:
  5. Unless written authorization is granted from the Buyer’s QA Department, a completed INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS Form Q-37 (Subcontractor Statement of Quality) must be submitted by the Seller for each part number in each shipment. If applicable, any deviation from drawing or purchase requirements (including incomplete product) must be accompanied by fully executed INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  Form Q-11 MRB-Vendor Deviation Request (VDR) and listed or referenced on the Statement of Quality. If applicable, list special process information (see Clause 16) or attach special process Certificate of Compliance.
  6. If written authorization is granted, the Seller may use his own Certificate of Compliance (COC) and shall include with each shipment, providing the following minimum information is included:
    • Purchase Order (number)
    • Part numbers, revisions, and (if applicable serialization)
    • Quantity shipped
    • Signature/stamp of Seller’s authorized Quality Representative
    • Date of certification
    • Statement that all items contained within the shipment are in compliance with all applicable requirements of this Purchase Order.
    • If applicable, any deviation from drawing or purchase requirements (including incomplete product) must be accompanied by fully executed INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS Form Q-11 MRB-Vendor Deviation Request (VDR) and listed or referenced on the COC.
    • If applicable, list special process information (see Clause 16) and attach special process certification.
    • If applicable, list special material information (see Clause 21) and attach a copy of special material certification as furnished by raw material supplier.
  7. On-site inspection by the Buyer’s inspection personnel will not be required unless otherwise stated in the contract. However, the Buyer reserves the right to perform on-site evaluations to verify compliance with this requirement.  You will be expected to provide reasonable accommodation, facilities and assistance as required for the safety and convenience of such inspectors in the performance of such inspection. Seller shall make available to the inspectors copies of all purchase orders, drawings, specifications and packaging data applicable to the goods ordered. In the event parts are rejected by the on-site inspector, the Supplier will be responsible for all cost associated with the re-inspection.

Clause No. 4 – Packaging and Shipping

The Seller shall package and ship items delivered to the Buyer in such a manner as to preclude damage or degradation during shipment and in accordance with Reference Document WS-112 (INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  Packaging Requirements)

Clause No. 5 – Incoming Inspection

Any and all materials shipped against the Buyer’s purchase order shall be subject to Incoming Inspection at the Buyer’s location. The Buyer has the right to determine how and to what extent the materials will be inspected at the Buyer location. If materials are found to be defective or not in conformity with the requirements of this purchase order, the Buyer shall have the right to reject some or all of the same materials associated with this purchase order and require that such materials be corrected or replaced promptly with materials which are not defective or are in conformity with such requirements. Nonconforming materials may be returned at the Seller’s expense or may be reworked, at the Buyer’s discretion, by the Buyer at the Seller’s expense. Subject to rejections or nonconformance, the Seller shall perform 100% inspection of all characteristics on all material(s) covered by this purchase order at the Seller’s expense. Records of inspection results shall accompany each delivery of material(s).

Clause No. 6 – Failure Reporting and Corrective Action

  1. The Buyer/Quality will record any non-conformances discovered in the Seller’s materials or workmanship on a INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS Form Q-31 (Problem Report) and will forward the report (with the non-conforming material as appropriate) to the Seller.  The Seller shall correct the non-conformance (if the material is returned) and effect assertive corrective action (indicating to the Buyer/Quality that recurrence of the non-conformance is unlikely).  The Seller shall record the action taken in the “Process Improvement” block of the Problem Report.  All Process Improvement responses shall be signed by the Seller’s authorized Quality representative.  The Seller shall respond to Problem Reports within seven days, unless otherwise agreed to by the Buyer/Quality.  Refusal by the Seller to respond to Problem Reports shall be ground for disapproval of further purchase orders by the Buyer.
  2. When material has been rejected, the Buyer/Quality may request a failure analysis report (FAR) from the supplier. The Supplier shall conduct failure analysis on returned products, and furnish documented report of results to the Buyer/Quality in a timely manner. Each failure analysis report shall contain (at minimum) the basic identification information as to the type of hardware that failed, type or description of failure, the conclusions derived as a result of this analysis, the corrective action taken, and any containment activity performed by the Supplier.
  3. When a quality problem exists, the Buyer/Quality will request a formal corrective action from the Supplier (INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS FORM-Q-76, Corrective and Preventative Action Request). Such request shall be responded to in the specified time and shall include the following information (at minimum): 1] containment/immediate actions taken, 2] analysis of the root cause of the problem, 3] statement of the action taken, 4] effectiveness of the action, and 5] copies of supporting documentation.

Clause No. 7 – ESD Program

For electrostatic sensitive material, the Supplier shall maintain an Electrostatic Discharge Control program in accordance with MIL-STD-1686, MIL-HDBK-263, and ANSI/ESD-20-20.

Clause No. 8 – Electrical Components and Assemblies

Printed circuit assemblies, all electro-optical or semiconductor components and any other ESD sensitive devices shall be treated as MIL-STD-1686, Class I.

  1. Printed circuit assemblies and electro-optical assemblies must be individually packaged in transparent shielding (Faraday Cage) bags, clearly labeled with an ESD sticker. The bags must be free of tears and punctures, sealed via zipper closure or with a reusable ESD sticker.  Staples, tape and “pink poly” are prohibited.  No paperwork may be placed inside the shielding bag.
  2. Small printed circuit assemblies and electro-optical assemblies (less than one inch wide and two inches long) may be packaged together as long as the assemblies are secured within a closed lid conductive box, in a manner which prevents the assemblies from overlapping or abrading on another during shipment. Only conductive packaging materials (foam, spacer, etc.) may be used within the conductive box (no pink poly).  The conductive box must be clearly labeled with an ESD sticker and either snap-closed or sealed with a reusable ESD label.
  3. Programmable ICs and semiconductor components must be packaged the same as printed circuit assemblies, except that they must first be placed in transparent shielding tubes.

Clause No. 9 – First Article Inspection

A First Article Inspection (FAI) is a complete verification that the article being inspected complies with the requirements identified in engineering drawings, specifications, and purchase orders as well as any other applicable design requirement(s).

  • FAI General Requirements: The supplier shall perform a First Article Inspection at no cost to the Buyer when one of the following applies:
  • First time supplier to the Buyer
  • New product representative of the first production run
  • Change in design (new part number and\or new drawing)
  • Change in supplier’s location, process, inspection method, material, or tooling
  • Natural or man-made event that could adversely affect the manufacturing process
  • Lapse in production for two (2) years.
  • Change of revision to the Buyer’s drawing. (Partial FAI is permissible)
  • Change in the Supplier’s sub-tier special process supplier (i.e. heat treat, plating, chemical processor, weld, paint/coating, etc.).
  • Change in source of manufacture (applies to distributors/brokerage houses).
  • Buyer’s customer requirement for a FAI.
  • Change of revision to the Buyer’s customer drawing. (Partial FAI is permissible upon request)

Clause No. 10 – Material Review Board Authority

It shall be understood that rework of product by the Seller is authorized, provided the product still retains all original characteristics and/or properties and meets the intent of the blue print.  Repair of any product which alters its original configuration is unauthorized and strictly forbidden without prior written consent from INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS s Quality Department in the form of an approved Request for Deviation\Waiver (INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  Form Q-11, MRB-Vendor Deviation Request (VDR)), available from Purchasing or Quality Assurance.  For example, the practice of adding material to incorrectly machined parts by welding is not allowed unless previously approved by INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS s Quality Department or authorized by the Engineering Drawing specified on the Purchase Order. VDR submittals shall include supplier-recommended dispositions with sufficient technical, quality, and reliability justification. Copies of the VDR approved by INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  shall accompany shipment of materials involved.

Clause No. 11 – Control of Nonconforming Product

The Supplier shall provide prompt written notification to the Buyer when nonconforming material or products affecting a drawing, Purchase Order or specification requirement issues are discovered. The Supplier shall not ship such nonconforming material or product until written authorization to ship has been received from the Buyer in the form of an approved Request for Deviation\Waiver (INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS  Form Q-11, MRB-Vendor Deviation Request (VDR)), available from Purchasing or Quality Assurance.  VDR submittals shall include supplier-recommended dispositions with sufficient technical, quality, and reliability justification. Upon authorization to ship, the non- conforming product must be labeled as non-conforming by the Supplier before shipment and all documentation related to the nonconforming product shall accompany the product at time of shipment.

Clause No. 12 – Quality System

The Supplier must be able to maintain a Quality System that ensures adequate product conformance and appropriate objective evidence to meet usual business responsibilities. It is preferable that Suppliers are able to maintain a Quality System that meets or exceeds ISO 9001(current revision). The Supplier shall notify Buyer within two working days if any ISO certifications are revoked or suspended.

Clause No. 13 – Responsibility for Compliance

Neither surveillance, inspection and/or tests made by the Buyer or his representatives at either the Supplier’s or Buyer’s facility nor the Supplier’s compliance with all applicable Quality Assurance Requirements shall relieve the Supplier of the responsibility to furnish items which conform to the requirements of the Purchase Order.

Clause No. 14 – Order of Precedence for Technical Documents

In the event of a conflict in requirements between technical documents, the following order of precedence shall prevail:

  1. Purchase Order/Contract
  2. Drawings
  3. Specifications cited on the drawings

Note: Contact the authorized buyer regarding any questions or concerns.

Clause No. 15 – Sub-Tier Quality Requirements

The Supplier shall flow down all relevant quality requirements imposed by the Buyer to any sub-tier Suppliers processing hardware for the Buyer’s Purchase Order.

Clause No. 16 – Special Processes

For all special processes (i.e. plating, anodizing, heat treating, annealing, etc.), the Supplier shall maintain adequate controls to ensure processes are performed in accordance with applicable specifications and will achieve the planned results. For each special process performed, the Supplier shall furnish Certificates of Conformance in accordance with applicable specifications and/or engineering drawings. The Certificates must reference the vendor performing the process, the applicable standard, and the measured results. Any documentation associated shall be controlled by the supplier and produced upon request as applicable.

Clause No. 17 – Calibration

The Supplier shall perform all inspections and tests using calibrated equipment. Equipment must be calibrated at regular, established intervals by measurement standards which are traceable to one or more of the following:

  1. US National Standards maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
  2. Fundamental or natural physical constants with values assigned or accepted by NIST.
  3. National standards of other countries which are correlated with U.S National Standards.

For calibration service providers or test laboratories, accreditation to ISO 17025 is preferred.

Clause No. 18 – Configuration Management

For Supplier-controlled drawings, the Supplier shall maintain a specific and unique part number with revision control. The Buyer must be informed of any significant change affecting the design or manufacturing process/location. Significant changes include, but may not be limited to, changes that affect performance, integration, system compatibility, size, function, functional performance, testing requirements, material, material types etc.

Clause No. 19 – Counterfeit Parts

The Supplier/subcontractor must take an active role in the elimination of all possible electrical shipments containing counterfeit parts. The Supplier/subcontractor must only supply parts which are traceable to the actual manufacturer. The requirements of AS6174 and/or AS5553 are to be met.

Clause No. 20 – Workmanship

Materials shall be free of foreign materials, gross imperfections, damage or any other evidence of poor workmanship that shall render the material unsuitable for its intended use and shall be uniform in quality and condition consistent with good industry practices.

Clause No. 21 – Material Certifications

Supplier shall maintain a copy of the material test report from the raw material supplier which contains the complete chemical and mechanical test data that has been verified by the supplier as meeting the acceptance requirements of the applicable raw material specification and/or engineering drawing.