Can I get a demo of your products?

Absolutely! We are proud to demonstrate our training solutions to qualified decision makers and users. We have offices worldwide with demo capabilities including our HQ in Suwanee, GA. We also offer limited demonstrations at potential customer sites and through remote technology, like Zoom. Our products are always on display at trade shows and exhibitions that we attend.

How do I get in touch with a sales or product representative?

We want to ensure a consistent and expeditious experience when contacting our team, so we ask that all incoming requests for sales assistance come through our Contact Us page. We will promptly route all requests to the appropriate person.

Can I create my own scenarios in the InVeris virtual training systems?

Yes, judgmental scenario authoring stations are embedded into our FATS 100P and the SURVIVR (Virtual Reality) systems. Projection-based systems also have marksmanship authoring capabilities.

What are the room configurations needed for a virtual training product?

Each simulated training system have unique requirements based on its type. Here is a quick look at the minimum space requirements:

100 Series (MIL, LE, P, C) – 15’x 20’ space
180 Series (MIL, LE) – 24’x 20’ space
300 Series (MIL, LE) – 26’x 26’ space
SVR Virtual Reality – Scalable; from 10’ x 10’ up to 32’ x 32’

What type of weapon systems are used with the InVeris Training Solutions virtual systems?

We have options for any fidelity or budget consideration. From price efficient laser inserts with recoil kits, to our high-fidelity signature BlueFire® weapons, our systems are a turnkey solution.

Are your virtual training products portable?

Yes and no. The 100 Series products – especially the FATS®100P and 100C Virtual Marksmanship System for both military and law enforcement – are the most portable projection-based products given their design to be compact and mobile. The SURVIVR Virtual Reality system is also very portable given its setup style. We would not recommend our larger projection-based systems be moved due to their size and complex setup.

I want to maximize safety on my shooting range and am considering new ballistic baffles and guards. Does InVeris offer a safe solution to lessen ricochets?

The most critical areas of misdirected shots to compromise a shooters safety is typically the area between the firing line to twelve feet downrange. To reduce the shooter’s risk of injury, our Air-Space Ceiling System is comprised of mixed layered panels strategically engineered to contain a misdirected round via the wood facing, containing them within the air space chamber after striking the steel backing plate. This prevents the bullet from exiting the panel or returning to the open range area.

The air-space panels are suspended horizontally from the ceiling structure starting at the firing line and extending downrange the distance desired—specific to the customer’s range design. After installation, acoustical material may be applied to the panel surfaces to assist in noise reduction. InVeris offers a variety of range containment and redirective panels in various sizes and thicknesses (pistol through rifle rated), pending the specific range design needs.

I bought range equipment from other providers but it hasn’t lasted the test of time. What is the expected longevity of InVeris shooting range equipment?

InVeris Training Solutions designs and builds shooting range equipment to last. From the onset, we create our range components for a long service life, requiring minimal intervention. Our engineering capabilities translate innovative designs into durable, reliable and high-quality products and systems up to ISO certification. Even with the harshest conditions, our installations continue to perform successfully, year in and year out. We routinely ship spare parts and upgrades to systems dating back more than 20 years. In fact, we still receive orders for bullet trap replacement parts for installations more than four decades old. Service personnel, as well as law enforcement officers, benefit from this proven “military-grade” equipment. As a result, you can spend less time maintaining and more time training.

I’m building a new gun range and don’t know how high the ceiling should be. Do you have any advice?

A structural ceiling height of 10 to 12 feet is the most effective. Ceiling heights lower or higher than this can be accommodated; however, they do present additional costs for ballistic protection, lighting, and target retrieval systems.

How do you achieve such realistic recoil with tethered weapons?

Weapon recoil is achieved with compressed air or CO2 gas, providing recoil sufficient to disturb the trainee sight picture, requiring the trainee to reacquire the target after each shot. Air is delivered through a tether connected to an air source (i.e.air tanks or compressor).