
InVerisTraining Solutions launches QuikTurn™ 360 and QuikTurn™90 Turning Target Systems

Suwanee, Ga. – January 11, 2022— InVeris Training Solutions, the leading provider of integrated live fire and virtual weapons training systems for military, law enforcement agencies and commercial shooting ranges, today announced the debut of two new products, the QuikTurn™ 360 and the QuikTurn 90 Turning Target Systems. The two target systems join the ranks of a litany of cutting-edge live fire range solutions from InVeris.

“With the release of the QuikTurn™ 360 and 90, InVeris adds to the robust range equipment product line that has made us an industry leader for 95+ years,” said Jon Read, director of live fire systems.  “Designed for random and concealed placements throughout an indoor or outdoor shooting range, the QuikTurn 360 and QuikTurn 90 can be configured to fully enhance the live fire training experience.”

The QuikTurn targets can be controlled in unison/collectively or individually controlled and feature a 90° expose/conceal time in less than .5 seconds. With 360° target presentations, advanced target identification threat/non-threat target engagements, firearms instructors can conduct qualifications and advanced training scenarios to be authored, stored and accessed any time using the InVeris RangeMaster™ 9K/10K software and wireless tablet.

From range design, equipment, installation and service, InVeris provides a one-stop shop for shooting range owners and operators around the world.


About InVeris

Headquartered in Suwannee, Georgia, InVeris is a leading-edge technology company at the forefront of advancing human performance. With nearly 100 years of innovation and performance data in live fire, virtual reality, and augmented reality training, only InVeris has everything it takes for people to make smarter decisions second nature, instantly, accurately, and safely. When needed most.

For more information, contact: ITS-Marketing@inveristraining.com