The Montpelier Police Department (MPD) has purchased the VR-DT Virtual Training System from InVeris. The VR-DT allows for scenario-based training within virtual reality that officers may practice and hone de-escalation skills and tactics in real-world situations.
The system is customizable giving instructors the ability to author scenarios for a variety of situations officers face every day including domestic violence, traffic stops, and mental health-related calls for service. Additionally, InVeris will design backdrops of the capitol complex so that officers can prepare for possible emergency situations at the state’s most critical infrastructure. MPD will make this system available to the law enforcement academy and all law enforcement agencies in Vermont.
MPD invites members of the media to make arrangements with us to see the system, as well as to participate in a VR scenario is so desired.
The VR-DT was purchased through a grant from the Department of Homeland Security.
Brian R. Peete
Chief of Police
View news clip here.
Headquartered in Suwannee, Georgia, InVeris is a leading-edge technology company at the forefront of advancing human performance. With nearly 100 years of innovation and performance data in live fire, virtual reality, and augmented reality training, only InVeris has everything it takes for people to make smarter decisions second nature, instantly, accurately, and safely. When needed most.
For more information, contact: ITS-Marketing@inveristraining.com