
QuikTurn™ 360 Turning Target System

The QuikTurn™ 360 provides extensive, comprehensive live fire training, emphasizing unpredictable situations

Designed for random and concealed placements throughout an indoor or outdoor live-fire range, the QuikTurn™ 360 can be configured to fully enhance training.

QuikTurn™ 360 Features

  • 90° expose/conceal time less than .5 seconds.
  • 360° target presentations, advanced target identification threat/non-threat target engagements.
  • All targets can be controlled in unison/collectively or individually controlled.
  • Red, blue and white light LED light.
    • Hostile fire mode – white light.
    • Distraction lighting – red/blue light.
  • Quiet electronic turning motor eliminates audible identification of turning targets.
  • Eliminates maintenance associated with pneumatic components.
  • 600 round per minute hit sensing (ground mount unit only) with hit sensing head using molded targets. System can identify hits for both friend and foe target engagements.
  • Supports multiple target heads and existing customer target frames such as: Rebar, 1”x2” wood upright and molded 3D targets.
  • Qualifications and advanced training scenarios can be authored, stored and accessed any time using the RangeMaster™ 9K/10K software and wireless tablet.

Technical Specifications
Hit Sensing Up to 600 hits/minute (ground mount only)
Actuations and Hit Modes Expose, conceal, 15° and 90° rotation up to 360°
LED Lights Red, blue and white
90° Expose/Conceal Time Less than .5 seconds
360° Turn Time Less than 1 second
Target Size Holds multiple target types
Max Target Weight 10 pounds (4.5kg)
Weight of Unit 11 lbs. (5 kg)
Overhead Target Shaft Length 3 feet (custom lengths available)
Actuator Enclosure Dim 8.25” X 13.5” X 9”
Power Supply AC Power 120/240 VAC at 50/60Hz
Max Current Draw Per Target 1 amp @ 120 VAC